February 15 2025 14:10:07.

THE scene, even if ZX Spectrum seems to be more coded today, if you dont count one hour gamejams and birthday cards, we suppose the original scene was THE scene and if they can find some who still feel bare code beats procedural levels it might even be the last one standing after ZX and Amiga falls

The Machine | The Game(s) | "THE" Scene

20250214 : i nominated the red princess for my secret Valentine this year. Certainly a potential morgana to my merlin lol but bem ... i wouldnt wanna get that big brother jealous ... fascinating woman, Watson .. TO THE POINT, however ... c64 future looks pretty decent, upcoming Pig Quest 2 and SJA's rpg id say 2025-26 (? we alway like those retrodevs to take their sweet time getting the last pixel in the perfect place instead of rushing out and patching later ... after all we are generation press play on tape and personally born with the patience of the cat , closer to kingbenny and not by a lightmile close to scarface ... when it comes to patience, sadly money ? ... maybe i can ask for political asylum in north korea or china ... id consider el salvador but its too hot, question is in my current condition what is my added value, right ? ... THE POINT .. Oh , still havent finished Battle for Cronos and havent even touched infeztation barring a testrun for the misterCompat list. Booted up a game of civ1 again (no, it NEVER gets tired of that, like never) and have been fiddling with 86box ... pauper times are coming over poor times, guttertrash sinks deeper and small fry cant hold a candle to the big players ... WHO does Pootn pick the phone up for ? is it a bird ? is it a plane ? is it ... topminister or minister 10 miljoen ? NO, ... its uncle Xi or uncle Donald ... (i bet he picks up for Modhi too ...) .... AH TO THE POINT ... well we had to recalibrate this week as the takeover by the NSDA-KMO-P seems to have blown out the last potential motivation and brought "in 20 years ill die alone" (its a choice since if i have to end in belgium i have no need for humans anymore) to "will i have to take your kids lunchmoney to eat before the year is over" ?
the point seems hard to focus on ... anyway, C64 looking good :) !!! carry on have at it
20250207 : its not like we havent 64d since last month but game updates get written on the middlersted page and the rest ... well atm we are somewhat convinced Atari was "made in china" ... (https://www.atari-forum.com/viewtopic.php?t=40000) "but really Atari did a jungle mess with on board implementation."... those Americans huh ... blame it on the dawg ... Avorys thing is shaping up looking good as for the rest, de zelfstandigenbond and de anti-socialisten taking over belgium i really cant say anything but investing in a decent 9mm and a bag of bullets is starting to look like the better option towards food-security
20250102 : lol, The Mechanic (ref as in the last stand demo by JoG) at work : Eeben has to do special again ... the guy might not be Dali the 2nd or Squarepusher Fuji but its certainly an 8bit heavyweight ... as for we ? i think we gonna do about a month of sorting hard drives, staying offline a LOT (we found this to be most helpful) and maybe try to finish the Jag game first as for some reason we feels this one (as strange as it sounds) might be the easiest to finish. The c64 game is a life-project but at some point the core game should be playable and ready, the rest is all about enlarging the world ... and the actual Jag game we wanna do is a shmup which we could describe as "soulforce-like" (?) after soulforce we found it to be the bestest shmup we ever played on the c64 ... gouts et couleurs apply .. aaand, the Atari ST .. since the boy never programmed an ST as there was no programming langauge or docs available thats gonna be more than a journey. But yea, thats also TBS, since we back then bought a PC for 110% of the then monthly wage just to play warlords and panzer general TBS is TBS and you have more soul to put into something if its in your soul. So we'll leave the snazzy platformers to Monte Boyd and the ports to Haplo and we will do our ooown thing ... looks impressive for a vic-20 by the way. I wonder if we'll see another FLT.CNCD megademo sometimes ? for the c64 perhaps .. gud, enough talk for this week at least, maybe longer, oh yeah, and fixing up the mister power button but i thought it was a star screw but it look like some kind of rivet. No longer have to worry about warrany but we'd prefer to use as little crowbar as possible on opening it up heh ... "new one" ??? i dont think so, we have enough ideas to spend money on , if anything gets spent on a mister it will be the legendary mister2 (a bit like the Yeti, we dont know if anyone will ever see Nessie either) or the replay2 (IF that adds value that is not defined as "quality of life" but actualy real innovation to the system) ... otherwise .. i think if we were to get another 8bit it would be like a ZX b/C thats like the most omoshiroi torture machine, like doing 50fps scrolling on a stock ST, the thing is like an iron maiden , ... if anyone wants us to do an amiga demo or game, you should send a fully working and decked out A1200 to 1-800-Jog b/C amiga is not on our priority list even if we recognize it as coming in 2nd place in its generation (after the sharp68) but 1st by popular demand but still overall through all of history we have to say the c64 takes top spot .... GUD, now THAT ... is enough for two weeks at least. Offline = gud, online = bad head parks often.
ORLEY ? did i hear someone say "loading times" ? we are the last generation who pressed play on tape, your loading times have no power over us ... Otakus that shower b/c tapes is loading hard , the last remnants of an epoch at the end of the Sumerian era ... soon you might find out what happened to Mars ... tho it seems unlikely you'll be able to put that to use :) (soon ... for a creature unstuck in time that might be on a generational or sociological scale but i think it wont be another 100 years before even politicians cant deny it and Nestle is too late to sue ... how offtopic can i get on a thursday night ? time to cycle) s
20250101 : After checking it on the real thing after asking the shrine guardians to let us pass so we could pray to the holy relic for a mite we have to conclude "Last Stand (JoG writes a card)" is finished tho it could use another fine two weeks to re-arrange the sid i suppose since its just a lulz freestyle it doesnt matter and we sure learned a lot in doing it ... offline time seems to be GREAT for mental health too. The .d64 file is available since last night on JoG Demozoo Page . We'll ofcourse add an entry here on the site and upload it to pouet sometime this week (for the children !) for posterity ... There's limited space between $C000-$D000 and optimization didnt happen since we were seriously OOT at 23:59 on 31/12 here, dinners need to be had , stuff needs to ... i dont know what or why exactly, probably something commercial, its not like theres much to celebrate other than advisor Bo in health and we still breathing so we still have a chance to last until the humans go down under the weight of their own mistakes ... SO IF YOU were desperately longing for a mention from the supreme being and its not there i suppose you left less of a lasting impression than the ones who are ... dont take it so hard, after all JoG is not even on the scene but i bet we can code better than RGN or Amigabill (hurr hurr ...) anyway ... we have, as always, nothing to prove. You can check Bubblegum Galaxy or Mandala v2 on demozoo page , they're 'cracktro-style' and have very lengthy scrollers with lots of names in it , if you're not in THERE .. well then you probably didnt leave an impression at all ... try again in '25 heh ... anyways euhm ... life with a battery that starts at 5% when you wake up isnt too convenient and im afraid we overdid it a little again. So its time to cycle. We gonna get back on the game and keep our offline stance , its REALLY quiet inhere (in de ondergrond where the jog-beats kom from) without the mindstorm induced by western-democratic soviet propaganda and webpages with 95% ads and 1% content hidden between the headlines. Just checked the game and apparently we left it somewhere at the point where encounters would come into play. I bet Sarah-Jane will release her Ultima game WAY before middlersted gets born but thats GUD, even better would be that she releases her second ultima game AND briley witch 3 before it, meonlawel gets an actual final state and the guys and gals(?) from EOB do another one (and take less than 15 years this time heh, but thats okay, we might as well) ...
the very best part : 64 = still alive, and kicking more than ever apparently , the demoez the games last year were an hommage to the single one bestest machine of all time ever... we has an Atari STE here too and we love it but all history combined we still have to conclude the c64 is the most epic relative to its time and bitspace ... WE HAVE SPOKEN ...
20241231 : guess even skitzos unstuck in time are waiting for supper ... wed love to get another two weeks into the christmas card to arrange the sidtune and put some pixels one to the left (or right ...) but it was actually intended to be 32 sprites bobbing with a scroller and time left to do a card in GB studio to expand the repertoire with a small gameboy exe ... it ran out of hand by slightly epic proportions relative to the 5th prod ... still 39years til fairlight tho (if they stop coding today that is or we'll never catch up ... that doesnt mean we wanna under-state the others ... its just you know, FLT is FLT ... like Triad is Triad ... you know, or maybe you dont ... the kids computer broke down before "the scene" actually rose up but the flt and tri intros still resonate tho all those eagle, Ikari , BROS and what not, HTL .. are gone down history lane .. (well and FLT has a nasty habit of appearing everywhere from "ah lets do a quickie to win revision AGAIN" to strange places in the gutter next to skid row where the skeevy people live ... or else someone is using the name i dont know ... doesnt matter ... dont feel left out, compared to "the big seven" we know our place, but compared to "the 10000 followers on facebook" we also know our place HUrrr hurrr ... just like to do one or two bars to the tune before the dinnerbell rings and the dir art will be what it is... we might be many but theres only one body to go ... so "everything by JoG", we borrowed a christmas tree from syria and some reindeerjets from Ukraine to do the .."small" onefiler which is literally the biggest prod64 we did so far AND the fifth, featuring resonating names like Leeloo multiplex and plex Luthor this time we think we are slightly not meh with this one so far and CERTAINLY LEARNED A SHITLOT THAT CAN BE USED IN THE GAME (!!!) to which wed like to get back but ... who sits at 3am on a xmas night in front of a screen writing op and looking nop for 8bit demoez ? "raise hand" ... we fear we're gonna mutate into a democoder at this rate lol ... ANYWAY, as far as blasts go , this was Omoshiroi+1 ... now ... some gud games end year too, twas a great demo year AND ... we most of all hope when we load it into the kungfu cart

........... that it will work on the real thing too heheh...
20241222 : the site could use about six months of updating i suppose .. these dlogs arent even inc files yet from janesbirdie. As per 64 ... having nothing but offline screentime programming something that amounts to the 5th ever assembler stuffs and the biggest one so far, by code and pixels handwritten has been really quiet. Since we hear nothing about spacemines and when we happen to get close to a tv or radio we only are reminded of the reasons why we got off the train b/c the inevitable is coming anyway i guess we'll just stay like that. Got a C64, got an Atari STE w 4mb and an SD drive for a HD, got a mister that needs a powerbutton fix and about 620k unsorted roms + 2 games that NEED finishing and the jag one ... if by then we're still not dead or demented we can only assume the gods will allow us to see the humans go down. Aah, the christmas wont be ready for xmas as per today it needs cleaning up, cleaning a few transitions, checking if theres kb left for some extra whatever and 8 kb of SID which i dont think we can possibly manage by the 25th, probably not even by new year b/c a FULL sid tune is also a first and its not quite fast or ym-tracker is it ... for whatever its worth, back when fun existed this would have been "a blast" and the kid would have probably ejaculated mentally over it, so nothing lost but time in a life thats already gone since een gat became a forget-hole for life. ONWARDS TO euhm, nevermind ... its not like we got anything to prove so whenever its up is good, maybe an easter card if it takes too long ... by the time it gets posted most joy will already be derived. If anyone happens to watch it maybe they can pite a sprite for an upcoming game ... speaking of ... gud to see SJA go for a new RPG, i recognize the blacksmith from Briley there ... i wonder where the woman got the idea to do that i.o. BwC 3 .. not that it matters, if its gud game its gud game and we havent continued on Cronos but seeing the amount of titles like that released every 40 years i bet we'll get it done before the next one arrives.
20241215 : most of the screentime in a day that has at most 4 hours usable goes to programming what was gonna be 32 sprites bobbing around with a scrolltext and some goty shouts to "omg i only have 2kb of codespace left and 8 for the sidtune)" , barely go online , only if we cant avoid it, its not like we dont know where the world is going since 30 years. We would have loved to live that in Asia tho, not in a black hole where the law of attraction according to hippies breaks down under the weight of het gat. No one ever leaves the swamp of mordor. So theres no need to go online and hear the same story from the 1980s in a world thats 80% more empty of shit and 200% more full of biped monkeys, triffids and zombies. Game still on Battle fro Cronos mission 6 now but havent gotten past 8 turns left. and thats it ... ? yea, thats it i think, unless jesus fills it up or some other prophet of some other faction the collapse is inevitable, dont try to make us care after all you did to block our exits from the hole.s
20241207 : Think i finally got foothold on factory 2 in BfC moving from bunker-first to blockade while holding fac1 using alternating armour and assault .. it looks like it could be this time (no strategy guide xept lvl 1we stopped reading there it would be a total waste otherwise) ... Just like PG had a pc bought for 110% of the then monthly income, with subsequently shadow of the emperor still rated as ichiban tbs ever (from personal memories and immersion - just remember if you were there how VERY immersive doom and duke nukem was on that 14 inch crt with the 15 euro speakers paid for in francs still which didnt even have woofers but you were like INTHERE, compared to this 48" UHDr 4k ... it doesnt even come close since dark souls 1) ... Like civ 1 must be the only game the boy cut class for (shoulda done that more) if the kid had a game like this in the 80s on the c64 he might have quit school immediately and fled belgium as a statistical anomaly for places where shit is possible at the age of 10 ... or nine ... But the programming still helps best against the damage and subsequent mindstorms ... whatever last stand turns out by the day of posting we sure learned a lot that will be useful for the middlersted game. As a non 50fps fast paced action game 48 sprites + benefits will certainly come in handy. HAD NO CLUE you can have so many moving bits on screen that arent just colourcycling sections on the old machine that never died ... ofourse nobody here's the Sarge, or a dev, a pro, or an artist for that matter ... not a scener ... definitely not a lamer ... just LURV the old machine that never died , as well as the Atari ST for which we certainly wanna give a try aiming at battle isle as well ... deadline dead or demented (hopefully ? hope is one of the gates to hell so have none, you'll find out and life will decide for you when its over ... sounds nordic fatalist ? the people of the swamp et Bruoc Sala arent too far away, i cant imagine the primal drecklands gave rise to religions of hope but Ragnarok and end of days , gloomd and something in the fog must have been pretty popular ... SO WHAT AM I DOING TYPING HERE ?
20241206 : well we woulda given the fiver to Battle for Cronos but i think monte boyd is a primus here too at the end-year64 ... not that nixy or color-Tony aint worth a fiver, as are many others. Primarily if theres screentime available wed like to at least get a v0.01 version of "JoG writes a card (a.k.a. last stand)" before new year as its a new years card (to the machine ofcourse) but everything in the last weeks has been colluding to prevent anything but menialities from getting done, nothing important advances, only the battle against entropy. We finally sat down again for a few hours , practicing "how would it be to program like the cripple we'll likely be in 10 or so years" with a cat occupying one arm and having only one hand available to use the keyboard and mouse. Its not 78 rastersplits and its not brozai but i think we got better than ourselves from last year again, and ofcourse, if and when deemed presentable if will just be put on pouet and demozoo in silence and quiet, dont give a shit about who likes and how much better or worse it is than he, she or other ... never have ... i think thats why they think we are not normal : will take hammer to get sandwich when starving from the biped monkey passing by ... doesnt wanna compete to be better than ... "other" (lol) ... NEVER MIND
20241204 : xYou purchased the game on 2024-12-04 03:24:16 for $4.19 + $0.84 VAT ... we like itch for what its pretending to do (i bet its american so its just making money off of an untapped niche in reality ofcourse , lets see if they follow up on their 'come to america!' in germany and buy out VW .. o shit politics ... YOUTUBE KEEPS CRAWLING UP MY ASS UNINVITED WITH SIDEBARS IN STRANGE BROWSERS I DIDNT ASK FOR, LIKE OPENING UP the any tab on USA-DOS and getting msn no matter what and watching topminister and BV's UNASKED FOR... anyway, we LOVE itch despite that since they present a much needed platform, BUT THE EXECUTION AND SITE ? ... never heard of "vat-included" prices or bold enough in 2024 in IT to dare and say "thats too difficult to implement ..." ?
20241203 : itch is trying impressively hard to not let me view anything or purchase my coffee for this month support today ... last time i got charged twice on paypal and i hade to make a retard fuss about 2.99 ... but no matter what, i cant have neither paypal nor itch just do that and get away with it. I got the money back so we gud otherwise it would be like Valve and until i get my money back i buy nothing anymore there. ... its not about the amount tho actually currently €5 is €5 ... so the choice of the month would have been Battle for Cronos (by a lightmile to one such as us seeing as we have genes from panzer general and battle isle spliced into the system after so many sessions back on the first pc. But they dont accept a coffee for the ddl and sadly as much as wed like to have a basement full of boxes and a maid to clean them b/C the dustmite allergy doesnt like boxes. We dont have to worry about the issue b/C we dont have a basement and frankly no space in the borg cube for boxes either. Hopefullly they sell lots and get motivated to do "campaign editor", "Wargame Construction Set 64" and Cronos 2 : shadow of the emperors cousin. So i guess we go for monte Boyd (tho Felvidek is the clear winner in total this month december unless something really O-box pops up) but i been refreshing pages for the past good two hours and i still cant get to it...
20241124 : desu ne ... des yo ... so we got to a little programming and under current circumstances it eats most of the day just to try and juggle 48 sprites around but its a first so its progress ... anyone who wants to see it will just have to dl it from here or demozoo b/c there wont be no entry, its just "JoG writes a christmas card 'aka : Last Stance'" , a feat to us in our second year of real c64 programming but not fanatic with only 39 years to go til fairlight (if they stop coding today otherwise we'll never catch up), probably nothing impressive to a Trident or a Trap but HEY, 48 sprites on a bitmap with animated parts sure will come in handy for Middlersted (the game) thatsone thing . So here on the day of the lord according to the impaled Nazarene we sit to check up on csdb and fpga news and they hit us with a surprise attack of 500 entries for mysdata while PCN seems to have 10 hours of livestream this week (i hope the wife aint filing for divorce yet lol) ... so as much as we wanted to check out battle for kronos (also for "use of screenspace in a tbs or tbg" but also b/c its kinda rare to see games like these appear on a platform thats not really built for it, and also while you sit and wonder watching the last FLT demo : is Trident human or a freak of nature who has a c64 in a sexdoll they take to bed at night and keep poking all night long (... ppoooking ?) , you wonder COULD THAT ACTUALLY BE USED as full screenspace for a (turnbased) game that has keyboard or joystick controls as well (no clue) ...) so instead of kronos and nixy 2 and its been SO LONG since we played space taxi we get stuck halfway the entries of mys and its time for first cycle ...
ah, well it looks like we're down to the last spot where it rains inside the living room, the garage is another story but im afraid that will require lifting the rooftiles which is past my level of mcgyver and at thispoint in spacetime by now physical capabilities ... the entries are for mysdata AND transmission ?(inoneweek?)that explains why theres 500 of themthen k k ,ok i see
looks like its been a gud demo year again. The GOTY ? .. i would have to do a round up but as we are , i bet it would go to Spelunky but havent checked nixy 2 so cant say ... (both arent originals btw if thats your objection : neither is) .... anyway, burning time and cycles here, EOF...
20241106 : it seems to take all links and chew them up correctly, older entries should display the "please download from csdb too" tho its possible here and there a glitch (tho i dont think so other than stuff before 2024 10 not directly linking to the creators specific page, we might run a script to convert it, after we do the other 7000 things) ... AN AMAZING YEAR for demos64 again, and i see they're trying to work on the future too ... GANBARRE ! (i remember losing a bit of intrest when i found about titties and beer tho ...) still, good luck ! its divine work and calling to keep the old machine alive ...
looks like the old scraprig i got for free from computerguy down the hill finally gave in to Compvalla ... if i had my whole kit and some lessons behind my teeth it would be an awesome opportunity. Now the question arises : "a refurbished mini or not" ... to replace it. I kinda got used to it since i got and installed it ... its possibe it just starts up tomorrow, earlier this week i had like a login that wouldnt work no matter the caps and num lock combos of the password i thought to remember ... 50 or 60 tries, the next day i enter it and it just logs in ... computers are sometimes ... well like little bitches right, anything past the 16bit era can act up as if its my ex girlfriends .... pardon my french .. but you know what i mean , i dont feel disclaiming that im not a womanhater b/c some women have dicks today and all that im too old and skool for that sorry, i also dont live in america , ITS NOT A REALLY BIG DEAL HERE IS IT
20241105 : changed the form to add scene entries in the "we like" tab ... which reminds me we gotta split some of the welikes from janesgeems over the others ... so now its just adding the link to the CSDB page and the server will chew it up and spit it out in filecard format. REST AND SLEEP EASY O L33T ONES ... i know basic is hard but regex is not , this only takes the same from the csdb server as serving the webpage : once - when we decide "we like" we add the link to webform click submit, it GETS the page (more or less) the csdb server serves it, anything else happens on this server, the proces only happens once too, we changed download to "please download from csdb" b/c we noticed the download counter doesnt tick up if its downloaded from here ... (observed, did not analyze) so at most you get two pageviews (resourcewise that should be nice and to us, well we like desteren-on-website so its nice too) ... this should also make it easy to repair broken entries b/C now we just have to enter the link again and it will create a new entry with the right links (pictures sometimes seem to change and stuff) ofcourse we're not gonna be scraping fromthe cron to see if any of the entries changed any of the links or names but if we notice we do, you're free to mail us about changes made but since no one ever comes here and we dont care (its also very mobile unfriendly i bet b/C it relies on scrollbars inside scrolling sections in sections and hovering and whatnot im not sure if there's menus left that only appear when you hover the mouse on a place but its possible ... the site is an extension of the head : design :ZeroDesign , concept : Janes OnderGrond ... you cant slice Janes nice bits , you take the whole ondergrond or you get a bloody mess) SO TO SAY JUST ... this is a lot easier for us, its nice to do php b/c php doesnt tell us to tab thrice in line 10 OR ELSE and it shouldnt take resources b/C the entry happens only once per edit (which usually is only once) and takes no more than serving the webpage would. Thanks, please send all your money to 1-800-JOG ... we dont have Jesus tho ... but we'll promise you whatever you want before we take the money and run ! NO DOUBT !
okay then, the pain has been incapacitating for two days again so instead of lying down just having pain, this is a welcome distraction but i think the body is at its limits ... IF ANYONE NOTICES BAD DATA IN THE ENTRIES mails will be checked okay , just dont add a "click here for uncle warbucks in Zambeziaton City, he has a lost billion he forgot to give you" if you please we dont really like those.
it seems to have some issues with a certain number of pages linked , but that shouldnt be unfixable, we left at str_contains but thats years ago now and probably will take about 20 to seep thru the mainline, apparently theres a heap like str_replace() and others too so there might not even be a need for regex and can just use magic functions. Thats a nice reaction but since we dont do this for money we just pick up whats needed when we do it, thx... otherwise im sure we would be up to speed with php 8.5 (now in early access for only €99.99!) already, thx thx,no applause needed, thx.
thx ...
20241023 : well it looks a little more 64-ey at least we got that much now...
20241022 : most of firefux has been unfuxed tho by the next update it will probably start spawning yellow ooze in the console again as usual.
20241022 : we seems to have a few Ffux errors in teh console trying to cram it in place , also the by-month loader doesnt work, it was complaining about $ earlier but there is no jquery anywhere in sight so we'll get back to it when we'll get back to it.
20240716 : i dont have the playtimes of those 2 sids so ill put them as 6:66 for now
20240701 : hm yea, the discovery of JagStudio as one of the solitary stranded aliens who ever owned one here has split the timeline over another alternate universe as here, just cleaned up a little some stuff had still the almorkat links after moving the subsite on the server , in the process of going over the june additions on csdb aaaand ... well ... did Elon send that small billion yet ? no ? then we are not hard-pressed to do #stuff , no roadmaps no deadlines - hmm, if the playlist on the sidplayer is empty thats crotter telling you you can only have sites on faceberg or tooter - use firefox or clean/refresh cache
20240601 : went over all entries and fixed some stuff - however broken links are possible its not a scraper, if anyone actually visits this and finds one, feel free to mail (anything@janesondergrond.art will reach just dont start with YOUR HERITAGE IN SOUTH AMERICA FAST! or something) well fix it ... its passtime hobby and gets us nothing but the brainrot prevention so we dont care much what anyoone thinks about it ...
20240528 : added game of the month (assuming there is at least one we find to be that particular month)

on a sidenote : the frontpage updates tab wont update c64 when a scene prod is added, only when the pages are edited or something personal is added. Its a personal pick. If you want to be influence we suggest RGN and Dino for c64, PCN and Lu for the Mister and Ataricrypt for the ST .. but you could just go straight to the source and decide what you like for yourself.

the machine

as always : there are no sponsors or sponsored links here (but Jeff or Elon is free to send us a quick spare billion in appreciation of our work)
  • C64 - original breadbin kernel rev3, sid 6581 - looked as if it hadnt been out of the box yet so actually scared to turn it on b/c it totallly looks like nothing has been replaced yet so ... in essence it could go at any time.
  • sd2iec drive (4gb overkill) , the one on the site looks like the one we have but it might not be the same version anymore. The sd drive actually came with the computer when we bought it.
  • Kung Fu Flash (64gb ultrakill) , this one is handmade in Finland, if its representative of the guys work i can kinda vouch for the quality . It slots a 64gb card b/c simply small ones are kinda harder to find and they usually cost MORE than 128 or 256/512gb cards .. problem with retrodrives is they dont alway like huge cards (as we found out later with the ST) - firmware has been upgraded a few times by now. This thing is simply the best! There was a datasette with the computer too but either the cassetes dont work or the thing is a bit off. We dont really have a way to test and if we want to spend money on ebay there seems to be always something else than "a 40 year old c64 tape" we want. The only thing issss... the EASYFLASH (which is supported by kungfu flash as it has 1MB of flash memory) was never built to its max potential (which is 2Megabytes) so thats a bit sorry , but if it were a kungfu flash would need 2MB of flash mem too but if it did we at the very least would certainly want the 2MB version ...
  • 9 pin ArcadeR joystick this one sits in the ST as it can be rewired for 2 buttons support but actually we wanted for the mister FPGA but almost none of the cores seem to support the 9pin port on a 'full stack' package , including the c64 ... bummer b/c playing c64 games with an xbox-type controller just somewhat feels like sacrilege
  • Atari CX joysticks bought on Etsy, 3 for €15, sold as "original" , one had a broken firebutton but that was nice b/c we got some practice fixing it up with another broken one lying around here. These are slotted into the computer and never get taken out , port-wear is also a nightmare on 30+40+ yo machines imo, a FUN FACT : the sticks cost €15 on etsy from a guy in canada, by the time they got here, the Euro and Belga- Santa Tax made that €79 ...
The machine actually got bought b/c we just HAD to know the sound of a real sid versus goat versus sidplayer versus vice vs ... which all seemed to sound different. Atm for games usually we use mister FPGA, (for Atari ST too, for games that is) xept easyflash b/c the mister core doesnt support that (it also doesnt have jagpad ports on the ST/MiST core in STE mode as we found out recently) so its mainly to test the game until we feel confident in electronics and actually have bought a rework station, b/c if it breaks down atm we couldnt even fix it or at least try to replace the capacitors (i think we should be able to do at least that ... smaller stuff will probably be hard at lvl0 in electronics)
and so ...
if they woulda let the kid do, maybe it wouldnt be WE and the kid might have been one of the better programmers in the country, we'll never find out


mess ? it's a BORG CUBE, not a "gaming room", what do you think this is, Disneyland ? feel free to send us a mansion with "lights in the garden" and we'll use the space as if we have some ...
ofcourse no roadmaps no deadlines, also Tyrnannoght , we spent some time on a little part of the lore, might as well use it.