February 17 2025 04:18:10.

Mister FPGArefugee camp edition(we dont have any of the handhelds)

click HERE to check the Mister compatlist

If you notice most of these games are "aftermarket", or what we call neo-retro, mostly post 2020, and some post 2000 , it is usually b/c mister cores or all fpga cores have been built around "running games from the 80s and 90s" which shows in the computer cores best as they are a bit far away from the real experience. So most of these dont need listing as about 99% of them is sure to work since the cores were literally built around it.
20250216 : short of turning to virtualbox , since a real-hw solution seems out of reach for indefinite time and it seems unlikely the situation will get better instead of worse due to rock-solid negationism of reality and trying to fix it by making more holes. PCem tried and tested (on linux) ... the conclusion : cant even install windows on a hard drive image it created itself, it claims the thing is not bootable and when booting from cd it does, then after reboot asks to put cd in E: (while cd is set to E: in settings) but actually looking at step by step the drive is G: while there is no G: in settings, putting the CD on any other place gives the same, wether its on primare master/slave or secondary master/slave C: D: E: or F: it keeps asking to put cd in drive E: ... so it wont format the hard drive image which it created from its own UI and fails to recognize. Using a pre-made image from internet archive seems to give the same. Mind : this thing has to be compiled from zit, using packages that refer to ubuntu 18 ... so since we dont have the situation where "o lets buy a cheap ssd to check this thing" we got a system with excess clutter and a pcem that wont run , on top of that HERE , it states There is one final caveat with regards to using PCem in this fashion, which is that, as with most forms of emulation, there’s a performance overhead involved. Although PCem can emulate a Pentium 233 MMX, my Core i7 3770K couldn’t run the emulated machine at 100% speed, so I reduced the model down to a Pentium 75, which was more than adequate in running some of the games I was keen to try out. which is basically why i wanted to check an alternative to 86box since thats seems to be the exact issue - Now as retro people one might understand : "just use GOG" is not really the preferred option even if most of the stuff has XP-and-up compatible downloads of about all the games id like to see, playing "in the zone" requires environment, which goes in strict order : 1 : real hw , 2: neo-real hw (like the llama), 3: full ("true") emulation ... just running it on NSA-DOS 11 is like playing c64 gammes with an xbox controller : it just feels fake ...
20250215 : preparing for the potentially long winter we removed the ad to sell the steam deck, not b/c we wanna keep it but in case a pc breaks down the deck is a replacement powerful enough to run elden ring so it can handle a few things. Took out the 512gb card and stuck it in the mister . It will be of better use there. And ... nothing i guess ...
... since it seems a long winter ahead we might as well , waiting for fpga to catch up to the missing retro-bits seems like an exercise in futility as all that happens is more new cases, more new controllers and 3d printed tags with leds ... frankly spoken, if we forked out a 3d printer and had money to buy the pcbs all stuff we could fix up ourselves here no doubt with a little research and T&E ... now - 86box is great but it has a strange thing to it, the emulation seems to be not really cpu dependent tho a little bit it is. What i noticed here is that the mmx200 or k6-450 is problematic to the old celeron here just as well as to the refurbished €49 pc with the low-end i5 just as well as to the box that runs the Godot editor for the 4k animation with 10(or11?) gen i5, 32gb of ddr4 and an ssd ... and moreover the games run fine, EVEN THE VIDEO streams fine, its the sound that lags .. on all systems, putting it down to standard pentium 70mhz apparently can fix panzer general to run properly (meaning : the sound doesnt stutter - everything else works fine otherwise on all three) but above that the issues start ... its not a breaker but if you want "the zone" back you need the sound as well, so maybe we'll check pcEmu, it would have been nice to have a cycle accurate representation of the old windows mmx200 but since its just for those SSI things and a few others , almost all TBS it doesnt really matter that much and .. well €500 + vat + import taxes + vendor site EU-registrat and certification costs is just no longer even something to consider for a real hw-32bit era pc (or an x16 for that matter) ... the gap between here and disneyland grew wider but the start of the year came with a lot of stunting by the hi-balls , and that sure as hell has been quite entertaining (a bit less if you have the delusion of a future still i suppose but if your life was dead 10 years ago this is actually a mental picker upper) ... we can see humanity go down ... we'll need a LOT of games to get through that (valve is still allowed to pay back the money and we'll use the account again otherwise no go, we are not american troglodytes you can just skip off that shyte) ... too bad after more than 12 years of spending money on the fucker ... like father murphy sang :"they will all fail you" ... well they have
anything else ??? nope, 3 hours to copy the sd card ... thatmust be a lot of clutter ... anything else ???? guess not, a date with the red princess wont be an option i guess :p ... anyway - i bet thats supposed not to be said since its anti-something from here ... and anyway ... if you wanna smuggle me an x16 out of the states in your luis vutton we can pay ... o wait no we cant ... until bread cost €1.50 again and we have some kind of clarity on any kind of anything even if only a year into the future ... GOOD HAVE AT IT, plz keep stunting otherwise its gonna be hella boring in the long winter
20250214 : Pretty clear now ... RGD does a new vid on "new x16 games" however, the current situation (not just the NSDA-KMO-P overhere in the hinterland) probably means a €500 prefab computer nets the buyer here, more like debts , 1500 io 1000 by now, CE-tags on the vendors side, registrar on the vendors side, import taxes on the buyers side ... its only for people who keep their space-credits safe from the suits in banque suisse or the caymans i guess. The only way id see is if someone still knows someone doing the old rotterdamsterdam-miami run making a sidetrip to Texas and putting it in hand-luggage for the flight home (close to Neo-IRA but i guess thats where they're putting it ...) Maybe like jeans used to be ... "american items" become a hot spot in the Antwerp harbour and Terneuzen , here in soviet democratic nsda-kmo-p ruled hellgium and neighbouring districts, just like back then, over there ...
20250213 : Mwelll ... lack of money means not even having to think about an itx llama or similar (how nice to have life less complicated !) 86box aint half bad now it comes to that THOUGH ... i never knew cycle-accuracy (or close) for a small mmx 200 is almost the limit for an i5 with 32gb and and rtx card trying USA-DOS 98 ... actually for some strange reason its better to set the clock speed at 166mhz io 200 otherwise THE SOUND in the videos lags ... thats the strange bit, right, running a celeron or K6 at 450 mhz for later games the video runs without glitching but the sound stutters double ass ... its a nice piece of ware at any rate but not sure if its actually still maintained. With the last generation of real coders slowly fading out for all but the blackhats who make their living on it projects like these might get harder and harder to find. What it does kinda seem to spell is : no way in hell you will run dos 98/XP games on a mister or replay 2 ... if its about accuracy the fpga required ...its hard to say since we dont know enough about the comparison charts there but if an mmx200 to an i5 (gen10 i think) with 32gb of ddr4 and an ssd is the max (i doubt its written to use gpu to set off the lack of OPs on the cpu during "some kind of load" (even hard to think why it has so much trouble trying to fake an old cpu like that) but if its any reference considering thats the machine that runs the Godot 4K project ... then to a mister1 a mister2 will "probablynot" do win xp ... or maybe not even 98 from what i see. but well atm there wouldnt be any money since uncertainty has passed all reasonable levels. Even if the itx llama would be like 500 in the canadian store, by the time it gets here during tradewars that'll be around a 1000 i guess, even IF there was less blurry future for even just this year thats just too much money for the suits in Mordor to pay on one piece of gear ... an mmx200 runs about most stuff i remember from back then and its not like im interested in the supreme 3d action games from the low poly era ... i think xwing and tie fighter were dos games and not sure if thats even 3d or more like vectores (like "Elite" on the 8bits) ... at any rate , i think they almost stole another hour by pushing it out of sync again im always so tired and there seems to be less day than before ... soon the summer-depression can kick in too ..
20250211 : ... since we wont have to worry about getting a new gpu until bread costs €1.50 again i suppose ... the upcoming games can be scrapped, even dl'd for free they wouldnt run on this by now low-end system that cant be upgraded without disneyland money... fun facts seem to be that a 5090 is coming but nowhere available, a 5080 goes for a small €2000 and for some reason the 4090 goes for a smaller €2800 ... no clue who can pay that amount for a single gpu card today but apparently they do ... no mister 2 in sight ... so having no money will hurt less bad ? ... not sure , doing some online search shopping this week for someone else i bumped into sold out and "coming in" everywhere again. HOEZO NIETS AAN DE HAND ? the future's certainly looking brite but if they were to succeed in removing putin and russia becomes post-soviet 2 with 20 mafia and warlord families vying for the nuclear arsenal i guess
the playfield would be levelled ...
have at it !
? ... not complaining, when we was down and out on the street how many times we wished that if this is gonna be life at least the gods should grant us a front row seat to the apocalypse and we'll gladly go down (last) after seeing the humans fall ... and other wishes since being stuck in een gat became the one and only outlook (nu ook met zelfstandigenbond!) ... who was this guy that said its more scary if the gods actually WERE to answer your petitions ? well, it looks like they granted us at least one , even if we would have preferred the spot in Mongolia and an independent business of any kind in a life we CHOSE to live i guess getting one wish from the gods aint half bad, even if you're part of the target victim audience now. AT ANY RATE ... i noticed you can choose "buy on steam" or "get on epic" now ... thats 2 stores less than before lol ... so in a world where a €3000 gpu plays €120 a.i. generated shyte i guess retro wont be the worst choice, depending on the witch hunts that follow when the lords of mordor investments dont pay off. ITS SNOWING OUTSIDE BTW ... did some animating on the first catstar track , we are looking for places that have "dos95-98" (aka "32bit era usa-dos") still available atm ... plz make your presence known somehow.
20250209 : Tsch ... innovation is a relative concept i guess ... so we get more cases for Disneyland people with money. Its nice to see ppl ARE making money b/c that means the cult is alive however it feels somewhat stale when all you get is 3d printed sprites to taptoo on your zepperoe and "LOOK ! another case with the same hardware" ... i mean no offense by that but once more ... a mister v2 or similar would be a lot more interesting ... updates to the lagged behind computer cores would be a lot more interesting to US ... 9pin joystick support for the c64 and atari ST (and i guess al the ones that had a port like that) would be a lot more interesting to US , playing c64 games with an xbox controller just feels plain wrong but on the ST something like CIV with a keyboard and mouse doesnt, however for some reason it seems to need TOS2.06 to run from hard drive on the mister ... i know angry S "just" ported the mint core and said "community its yours" and community said "ok" and did nothing with it lol. Its above our braingrade so we cant , its above our paygrade or we'd have a falcon030 or sharp 030 (the one on it is a 68000) on offer and loan ... i dont know about the consoles but i bet half of those arent really 99% either , sadly we dont have sponsor money and the current situation wont allow that and it doesnt look like the futures looking brighter than usual . Thats one thats two ... and three : SYSTEMWIDE SAVESTATES (dont say "thats not possible" or imma bish-lap u) which mean core devs dont have to bother since the savestate happens at OS level so any future core would immediately be able to use it. I bet it would take some time to save since its an SD card and i bet youd need a beefer ... something at least 128gb or whatever to hold a reasonable collection and room for a pony BUT IT HAS TO BE POSSIBLE, they sent tom hanks to the moon on a 4bit computer, You wanna tell me a mister OS cant do systemwide savestates ? I dont mind if it takes a minute. We are from the 80s, yo, we press play on tape, take a bath, have a coffee, go to the baker for a croissant, come back and start playing, remember ? ... maybe you dont ... The cartridges and all that, its such a shame the EU internally and the global scheme of trade wars together is trying to kill anyting smaller than Amazos or miCrotter, all those SUPERtalented bedroom coders and tekno-mages being put out of business b/C ... reading up atari stuff i got to a post where Exxos (U.K. teknomage i think, specializes in Atari bits) explained that you need about 14k yearly to register everywhere (thats before you make one sale) if you wanna sell to the eu, otherwise you need specific countries so ... i think both them and Lotharek (polish tekno-mage) sell to germany only now and you just have to find a reseller. Guttertrash like us will pay more anyway since there's an extra man in the middle, taxes or not. All that talent goes to waste and the backbone slowly gets corroded as political econoporosis and finance-mialgyia sets in ... tsk ... here its a total buy-stop until we know more. For all we know in the current condition and legal state by next year we have about 0 per month so we wanna save up so we can at least buy a 9mm to get some homeless steak when hungry. We're shovelling what we have around , the dustsucker filters are halfway (one of those filters costs 12 euros - the good ones- so if the total system has 30 fans, excluding cables, fans itself , molex and sata to 4pin adapters and extension cables, do the math times 30 on "just the filters" .. all to keep the dustmite out of our body-vents... we already have a kind of cartridge system brewing for pc where a top-slot box (usb) slots an ssd (or mechanical but ssd ofcourse better) drive ... say you have a game like tekken 8, a 120gb drive holds one game , say you have ark evolved, a 240 (or more by now) holds one game, no printer for the stickers tho but its kinda nice, UX only as USA-DOS seems to refuse booting from USB ... anyway ..
the futures looking bright ... just when we finally decide to get that soldering station , LOL ?
20250206 : the situation looking quite hopeless with a dash of even less than before, it looks like as a last purchase for "undefined" time that soldering station for the 1 bridge to fix the mister will be worth it ... also : http://www.retrolel.com/en/ this looks like a nice one for OCD collectors (not that we have those in retro-land)
20250202 : reinstalled the pi to hold both pixel and retropie now, more like as a first line or a misterfilter to check games wether they're worth checking as well as perhaps play a few (atari xl etc) that dont work on the mister like whats it called rogul or something ... and others
20250127 : The need to split seems to be appearing ... its on the to-do list since today , website has only a 10% flipcoin chance tho recently. We would switch these pages to a separate page per core with a selector field and perhaps a lite version that doesnt use backgrounds (here its cable unlimited but as we understand some parts of the world still have "data plans" with massive 2gb /month or something (which is what ? 5 youtube videos?) .. so i bet on wifi which is probably 15% of utp speed already in a distant galaxy on a limited dataplan this hobby site can get heavy ... its not like we feel obliged. Its more the webMASTER (there , SAID MASTER MUAHAHAHA, I SAID MASTER IN 2025 ... FEAR MY BOLD AND UTTER FOOLISH BRAVERY) code of honour amongst geeks that itches ... but the pages definitely need to be split. This raspberry pi 5 starts having a bit of sweat loading them as a whole ... by our convenience so it will be ready when its done
Mh ... well yes, again, its mostly the itch born from the geek code of honour which makes it feel wrong, but considering the fact that most are below the 90% limit where iTroglodytes and mobile dregs are stuck in a bad place they'll never get out of even worse than here and have to live their life through a 10 inch (if lucky) screen with limited data plans, we sometimes wonder, look at a webpage you get like 2 lines of text/content per ad above and below it (and the ones to the left and right) each has tracking code to it and the page as a whole might have behavioural tracking to it, boot up the pc, the USA-DOS telemetry, firefox and chrome telemetry and that page with 4kb content and 5-10mb tracking , not counting the ads that are static or streaming ... you're probably already close to the monthly limit?
it must be quite horrible for a generation who lives through a screen (we dont, we live in a borg cube, WE HAVE CABLES AND PLUGS TOO and we more live like AT the screen, not through it) ANYWAY ... Crotter can get away with it b/c everyone lets them. Since we got off the train we dont care ... however, having Lex Luthor (release the hounds ! on day one, and thanks boys for showing them if i wanted to i could have taken the country in one day) and Dark Tony Stark (way to go NSDAP ! lol) stunting , the two biggest stunt men, leading 400 million homer simpsons, WE HAVE TO ADMIT , as things got a bit stale, they're a bit interesting again, but only for the entertainment value, we were done with the world of humans and we'll stay away from it ... so dont ask for opinions please, you wontlike them anyway.
checking the page also the "vom" part seems to be a bit redundant, it would be VOM (verified-on-mister) if its on the list ... but it probably felt like a shiney at the time ...
20250126 : edit 2 : thats not hostile, if you are american and think so you should come overhere and also start out with no money and pay feudal taxes before you make a cent + 60% income before you talk. I'll guide you round the hood and you'll get some perspective of "what is hostile" .... thx :p I LOVE the mister its the best thing since i got a c64 and atari ST again but personally we are sad to see there's not enough dedicated codejunkies to bring the computer cores closer to perfection. We also totally understand that if you can make some sandwich spread and a beer doing arcade cores its a lot more tempting :) NOT INSULTING ANYONE HERE? its just sad to see b/c to us its a computer museum full of goodies ... k ? can we go home now ? all this disclaiming makes Jane a dull ... euhm ... boy indeed ... its not a doompatrol metafor tho, you would not survive the inside of this head and if you ever get in you'll get lost and never find your way out so STOP TRYING TO ... phew ... Catham Joker out ... now maybe we can game for 5 minutes today instead of bla, bleh and bluh (and other ...)
edit 1 : i found a rom thats named "RuffInTrouble256.xex" which seems to work if the core is set to 1mb (might work on lower mem settings but probably not on 128 or less) so that one works, none of the other versions do, dont ask me where that comes from or how this got in my folders, i cant remember. Okay so thats one :p ... m not complaining, i bet there's a ton of retro games for the systems that are great and work fine as the cores will have been built to cater to the existing 1980-1990 games but it kinda shows how far off "real hardware" some of them are , sadly ... if i COULD i might but i cant, thats above my level and no one's interested so these cores will probably slowly go down downer and down
and also please keep in mind MisterCompatlist is not a quality label , it means what it says ... we dont test every game like the saberman who has half a million or so worth of retro gear and all the games we just do when we do what we do if we do for no particular reason, no money is made, if a game happens by and we happen to be on it we check it ... no ratings either. the list is a nice display of how many neo-retro titles are published yearly tho ... monthly even, at any rate we probably wont add more than 10 a week b/c time is short with a sleeping disease and we prefer programming during clair hours as it keeps the mindstorm away. ... does everything really need a disclaimer in the post 2019 world ?
not like we have all the patience to try every single setting on every single game but under the impression that both ATARI800 ( =400 = xl = xe as well i suppose) and MSX games in the last 1 or 2 years almost never work anymore on the mister fpga , same with Rogul here, ruff in trouble, a bit of a shame i woulda liked Rogul i think. ... mmmm, well if you wanna bring Jesus down from heaven with fiery roth b/c the buy bull sayeth i HAVE TO BE IN IT TO BUY 150 DIFFERENT CASES WITH THE SAME HARDWARE and I HAVE TO BE IN IT FOR THE ARCADES THAT WERE ON MAME WHEN MY WORLD WAS YOUNG ... im sorry, its a walk-in computer museum with tons of stuff i never saw before so mostly checking NEO-retro games (= post 2020) for the compatlist and mostly computers with exception of NES / Megadrive / Snes and the occasional neo-geo since they have a crowd of bedroom coders still (i cant even think of a homebrew game thats not just another romhack for the saturn or the N64 really) ... SO ... THEYRE NOT WORKING ... but apparently since for instance rogul is a compo winner we are fairly sure the thing will work on real hardware (those things are quite popular in poland, all kinds of Ataris, Spectrums, C64S ofcourse ... ) we have spoken ...
20250119 : Hah, looks like we need to replace the picture ... we dont get online much b/c it seems to be good for mental stability and programming takes precedence during hours when the hole isnt taking over most braincycles, the website isnt a priority and since nothing is a money maker nothing is an obligation.
From the looks of it the soldering bridge is holding and the mister is gud as new, if you dont know it it looks like it was unpacked yesterday (like the c64 we found some years ago). Since we're in the habit of keeping things frosty and blowing and dusting out cases and fans, machines tends to live a lot longer than your average user-box here. No comprende, fuckers do it for their precious fourwheel steel horse, but a pc gets mistreated and a 1500 euro phone is a disposable item for a year. If we were the global dictator disposable packaging AND laptops and other non repairable and replaceable shit would be banned from the shelves and grants given to research 3d projector screens and holograms (like the star trek doctor) ... that said... Now we finally got to being the proud owner of a fabulous all round soldering station we can 40 years late do what the kid wanted (among other stuff like writing a c64 demo and game ... because all the other plans have been made sure to be blocked by een gat en het gatste gat in gatland for this lifetime .. we can blame the americans for ruining our very last chance by killing crypto there. The rest is all belgium, gat en europe ....its not like we didnt try more than seven times after being in mekaar getrimd mentally (and physically often)) So if there were such a thing as roadmaps , we dont have to worry about the small irrelevant stuff like "making money" , "starting something" or follies like "a future" thanks to that ... i guess we start with ... well the mister was necessity and mostly a gamble since we never touched a pcb with a soldering iron before, we might as well have melted something or burned whatever, but its bridged so thats makes it a nil-operation. The price of a station is probably een a bit less coming from poland than a mister clone in dollars imported. So after that we would move to "stuff on the shelf that didnt get thrown away" ... bullshit like case panels with loose wires for buttons ... solarpanels (inhouse leds) with dead batteries that might be able to be bridged to get the DC to power the lights during day (we live in a dark borg cube after all), refitting other wires, to move on to something like ESP32 in combo with home assistant and maybe even further down the line getting a second c64 to refurbish ourselves, maybe one of those fancy kids toys with a 8085 for kids who dont know how to filter and youngsters who started a democrew ten years after our c64 broke down ... and then perhaps what we call "small robotics" ... something to auto-close the door after "the cat came in so i turned off the heater b/c the door is open" (home assistant speaks jarvis - female voice tho as we bow to no men) with the ultimate goal : assembling our own qiwi ... the emperor of homebrew pcs ... that would make the cx16 the king i guess at the moment ... which for now would cost probably 1000-1500 euros parts alone and custom printed pcb to bring to our door from all over the planet .. so we wouldnt wanna just turn it into an avant-garde pile of solder that looks like something from dark souls one in the gutter area ... AND IF THE GODS ALLOW and we last long enough un-crippled below 90% and non demented (or dead...) the dream of dreams remaining : design the c64 or Atari we always wanted :D ... so there you have the roadmap. OFcourse we can call popeye in colombia and ask for a few lessons in resistance (electro-punny) if thats not good enough after you wrecked our future and blocked all exits ... that would be YOUR choice i guess, we rather sit here rotting away doing what the kid wasnt allowed to or couldnt back then as the humans slowly self-destruct ... now - there must be like a 200-300 game backlog to check (not to mention the terabyte-ish of unsorted roms and we dont even HAVE psx or saturn stuff xept a very few)
20250112 : Linkuei sure got skillz ... the backlog on games-to-check due to the lack of one drip of solder is growing almost to the size of the backlog on pouet, merely got past last years overflow of lovebytes (... well i guess generation A D D needs something too ... tho there's a few each year in the middle of 500 or 600 that are actually somewhat wow, a matter of taste perhaps, but we think its just python syndrome and generation A D D , combined with covid lowering the global iq by a few points steadily and smartphones taking over ABC with GPT ... the futures looking bright, soon girls from Afghanistan who werent allowed to go to school after they pinky promised Joe will out-math yow kids im sure) ... ANYWAY ... i was gonna say something i think but someone else had another thought somewhere in the middle.
20250111 : by now we have pointed the sweet spot out by the laws of Plato, Spock & Holmes, it works by holding a flat driver to connect two pins on the bottom of the upper board. If the know on the psu gets switched on the mister boots up SO ... essentially its under the faulty power button but without a heat gun or similar we are a tad loathe to just rip it off the board and maybe leave more holes than we can handle, it also would be kinda disrespectful to our little friend which has brought us so much solace since we took it in all the way from Spain. Which brings back the soldering iron issue ... and doesnt make the money appear in a sock on the wall for some reason (i have no idea how the americans on youtube do that, must be something with their fabulous debt-economy). Still then, we would like to hold out for a decent "reworking station" combo instead of a cheap €40 one-pin POS b/c actually we only need just one drip of solder really from all i can see here (assuming we dont buy another button to fit on but i dont think so b/c the psu has a switch as it sits in a smart plug so its even a remote and programmable switch for that matter). Still having the itch for a little bit of dabbling in electronics (nothing the likes of arcadeboard decapitators obviously, that would take a few years to catch up, like democoding to fairlight) But its a good reason to definitely, there's a few more things around collecting dust that could probably be fixed with one or two soft touches of an iron here or there and since its not America Steve Jobs wont sue us for repairing the stuff we bought and overhere actually legally own i guess (i guess, you never know with the americans infecting the world since covid ... twas all a ruse to spread ? ... well at least Trump still has the highest entertainment value of all the worlds presidents , the guy is always a riot .. annexing Canada lol BUT HEY from this perspective the guy didnt start wars during his first four years and actually had a conversation with Kim Korea via Twitter "as real men" would ... not too many can say that. That clown isnt really a clown, is he? The establishment just cant handle it and compared to Reagan he's clearly ahead of the curve ... BUT IM LOSING TOPIC HERE, we are neither pro nor anti , but same goes for China and Russia btw, we are like Switzerland, only without the huge amount of foreign billions and stray diamonds stashed in vaults. SO , a temp solution with some kind of resin and a REALLY small piece of metal or wire would be nice, otherwise mister-San will have to wait on a good bargain when the stars align. Certainly not gonna buy a new one just b/c it needs one drop of solder.
20241215 : havent found the starscrewdriver to open up the box without resorting to a crowbar or hammer ... also not very much other than a bit of Battle for Cronos (on VICE then) ,updating systems and checking if everything still works afterwards , and most screentime out of the already scarce available hours goes to programming. We foresee this will remain so as the programming is the better medicine and the gaming before cycling never leads to nightlong sessions (obviously if you sleep twice a day with no choice). So when (not if) we make that misterbox start when we tell it to its probably gonna be a sunday thing to website so we'll have to be a bit more picky as to what we be testing. ... ofcourse, Jesus or Trump might come by and miraculously cure us after touching the TV ... in which case we'll be back to 20 hours of screentime a day when not on top or under a girlfriend, IN NO TIME .. (we also do dishes btw ... it also takes time out of the remaining time ... as well as other stuff --- but we know its not uncommon for enlightened youtubers to have risen above meniality while having seven children and a wife, two companies, a steady job and 7 youtube videos a week heh ... YAH ... right ... o yasumi then)
20241206 : DOOM has descended on the realm ... the shoddy power button on the mister has entered the realm of semi-consciousness and no matter what refugee-camp solution applied it keeps forcing its own will, preferably right before i take the second factory on mission 5 in Cronos. As life has it we dont have anything but refugee-camp solutions at hand and money is shorter than ideas and stuff to want and have , the mister is sadly not the absolute number one on the list so it might stay a while, meaning we are limited to play all 620000 (unsorted) roms on software emulators or the real c64 or real Atari ST as i dont wanna damage the thing by keeping it half powered with what might be a spark-cinema projector inside until i can at least open it up properly and see if i can remove the thing to hotwire it (like at least half the non retro machines in the house) instead of using the fancy powerbutton for rich kids and americans who live in disneyland ... until then, obviously its gonna be kinda hard to check wether new releases are MisterCompat or not ... dja
20241203 : heres kinda hoping some alien mindhive coder like Haplo makes a port of Felvidek that runs on ao486 as hdf or psx (i assume the NES or gameboy would have a hard time with some parts). It certainly looks like a nice change of pace
20241202 : a.i. generated retro games .. the signs of the impending apocalypse are growing more and more clear
20241130 : they ran my batteries so dry i fear we are bedridden until march. Twas to be expected around this period some major neo-retro gudness was to appear ... You know .. if the money is the premise then the product is a product but if the premise is gud game theres nothing wrong with being paid ... even if its a weekend in a holiday resort, a stash of beermoney or something for the kids ... (probably wont be a ferrari if you do bedroom retro coding) ... just aks and look at haplo and psytronik, they're moneymakers, right, they do gud game but they know salesforce, right , i doubt they made a loss in the last years on any prod heh ... i doubt they live in belgium too . ANYWAY .. is there more gudies around the corner, not just in 64land, speccyland going toe-to toe ?? amigaland was to be expected too, DOES ANYONE HAVE A LITTLE GEM FOR MY STARVING STE ??? and the amount of gameboy content popping up over a year is frankly not too shabby either with NES/SNES and megadrive runner upping that ass ... (tho they get like crazy many, which one was it that got like 230FUCKING - K - uk pounds on kickstartter before coding ??? for a nintendo console retro game ?? ... ANYWAY ... if you dont live in belgium and you can ... theres nothing wrong with getting paid as long as you dont turn into ninterror over a bedroom coded piece of work ... thats just the opinion of the rift Janes OnderGrond is ofcourse ... i wonder what will be left after this winter ... a devastated wildland filled with toxic holes radiating human-killing toxic fumes ?
20241125 : good to see it keeps going tho other than a potential jag core i dont see much happening that hits my personal sphere of interest. The foldable nightstand arcade cabinet looked awesome as a dabbler project but most of these "QOL" improvements (the guy who came up with that corporate garbage word during a meeting must have nightmares about not patenting it by now - but as all buzzwords it will last no more than five probably two years) wouldnt even phase me if i had the disneyland money to go around for it. Gouts et couleurs yo, im not insulting anyone here. Much more interested in seeing 68030 or up cpus (and other) on a mister or v2 than i am in 20 types of cases, 10 clones and 500 controllers that look like the original ones but have a usb plug - also dlove to see the 9pin port usable by all cores that had one and OS-level savestates but its totally understandable that if you CAN make money re-selling iterations you will do so - just ...please use SOME of that to try and actually move the thing forward :) that would be even awesome-er ... right .. ay-yo, usually we only click "mistercompat updated" but the actual "mostrecent" list only displays on this page. Its time to cycle ... the post 2020 keeps coming, the new wave hasnt been explored yet (2000-2020), and we assume about all retro games will work since thats what the cores were built for, even if it mean virtual rewiring or adding a bypass on certain virtual machines i guess... as long as it doesnt turn into an Atari-Amiga 1990s tribewar its nice to see oldtimers in their 40s and 50s enjoy themselves heheh ... K then ... someone should sell me an assembled Kiwi really !!! REALLY !!! i mailed the guy but got no answer (the site hasnt been updated since 2019 ... covid ???) too bad, he even got a pic with superWoz-of-electrons ... that kinda means something , right ?
20241108 : been keeping a slant eye out on the zxnext for a bit, 128 hw sprites, copper chip , the whole shebang, waiting for games that blow the A1200 out of the water, i saw the mister core goes up to 28 mhz ... but for some reason ....


  1. Civilization (Atari ST) - INFO - on de10-singleram
  2. Final Fantasy II (NES) - INFO - on de10-singleram
  3. Tempest 2000 (Jaguar) - INFO - on de10-singleram
  4. Space Taxi (+v2 +v3) (C64) - INFO - on de10-singleram
  5. Green Beret (arcade) - INFO - on de10-singleram
  6. Centipede (arcade) - INFO - on de10-singleram
  7. Burger Time (arcade) - INFO - on de10-singleram
  8. Faster (Atari ST) - INFO - on de10-singleram
  9. Battle for Cronos (C64) - INFO - on de10-singleram
  10. Tony : Montezuma's Gold (Atari ST) - INFO - on de10-singleram
the games on this list are playable on a mister tho we wouldnt always since the mister doesnt have OS-level savestates its up to the coredevelopers so they're as common as cores that support the 9pin joystick port ... its not always possible to sit 12 hours or more (and actually i doubt a lot of these would be finished in 12)

Most recent additions (to these lists)

  • 1943(202502 not working yet).i ((2021)(?) (not working yet) ) - INFO - / link
  • 21 Grams of Soul.i ((2025)(Altanerus Dog ) ) - INFO - / link
  • Antarctic Tales Digital Bundle.i ((2023)(Carlos Madruga) ) - INFO - / link
  • Bomberman (USA) (+ romhacks Toad Bomber).i ((1983)(Hudson Soft) ) - INFO - / link
  • Dont touch my eggs.i ((2025)(Voxel Tower) ) - INFO - / link
  • Rogue (+romhacks Roguecrypt).i ((1986)(Epyx) (1024kb) ) - INFO - / link
  • Sleuth.i ((1993)(ST review) ) - INFO - / link
  • Slightly Magic.i ((1992)(Codemasters) TOS 1.02 ) - INFO - / link
  • a 20 second platformer(GB).i ((2022)(allalonegamez) ) - INFO - / link
  • a 20 second platformer(GBC).i ((2022)(allalonegamez) ) - INFO - / link
this is not by date of release or anything but we dont have to explain ourselves b/c it doesnt say so in the contract . It looks like "the last 10" until we google to remember how to sort by filedate
Bit of a shame right when after 4 years finally deciding to get a soldering station, something electronics it wanted since the kid ... the world positions itself into a position where it becomes so unclear that spending money on hobby electronics is a no-no for "undefined"
now this here list ... we gonna split it up between "mister" and "emulators"
Two reasons why a game appears here :
1) Its not compatible with the mister (lots of recent Atari XL ,MSX and probbaly other (you dont get much post 2020 on the popular systems (thats a bit of a contradiction innit)) dont work on it so its emulation or die since money for retromachines is scarcer than space)
2) Savestates for stuff like spelunky or other b/c spending whole nights playing is not always an option and after so many years the mister is still stuck on per-core savestates and doesnt have the option to do a system-wide state park , not even one ...well its above my braingrade to program that and i bet arcade cores put up more money and money issomething we certainly understand, having had next to none since they stuck us back in het gatste gat in gatland
games that are compatible with the mister will be on the compatlist but we dont necessarily finish them to the last level for several obvious reasons, time in a day that has four hours left being one of them.
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri86box
Battle Isle 3 - shadow of the emperor86box
Civilization II86box
RogulRetropie(cant get it to work on Mister)
Tony : Montezuma's GoldAtari 1040 STE 4M TOS 1.62 (works on mister - nothing like a real original 9pin stick)
Travel through time vol 1 : Northern lightsFUSE (works on mister)
Veggies vs UndeadVICE (works on mister)
Kung-Fu MasterC64 (works on mister - nothing like a real original 9pin stick)
Tempest 2000bigPemu
CivilizationAtari 1040 STE 4M TOS 2.06
Mister powerbutton fix (more like "hack") For kids who have the patience to save up for a soldering kit
Mister expansion board powerbutton depressing fix :For kids who cant afford heroin (or a €400 soldering kit)

Given the current situation and condition in Belgium (and i bet not just in belgium) excluding supply lines and supplies that have NO PROBLEM other than temporary logistics hiccups, stuff all being sold out all over the place and prices up 20% per 6months with an index that nets 2euros ... Uncertain times make it so in the foreseeable future we wont be spending money on anything but catfood and flour for bread ... and medication b/c we kinda HAVE TO .. (i wonder how that works with no money) until things clarify themselves and afterwards it might be even less. So money for games or gear is certainly not available until further notice ... Safe to say our condition which is an act in salems lot wont improve itself by itself and i bet Jesus wont come by to cure the lame, not in the least b/c we havent been on speaking terms even if we're not enemies on neutral territory , its just that we're not lamers so im afraid the man cant help ... i hear they hope he will multiply the fish money and silvermines tho .. so far january has been like "the best series in a long long time" if we still had a future or hopes id be worried shitless right now but since we dont ... its kinda entertaining to see the ones with de bakkes who pissed down start to make faces like smiling monkeys a lot ...

Other Trending

it seems the latest mint version has issues running proton games so reverting fixed a lot - not sure why but using chrom(ium) on https://isthereanydeal.com we seem to get "http://ww12.istheranydeal.com/?usid=25&utid=9205826859" and doing a search leads to "https://u_nyx.isthereanydeal.com/game/dark-messiah-of-might-and-magic/info/" while typing isthereanydeal.com in the url bar leads to the same "http://ww12.istheranydeal.com/?usid=25&utid=9205839546" some unused but taken domain - using the URL in firefox leads to the site. MAybe this is B A R D or whatever it goes by today or maybe this is a co-op by valve and sweeney todd to prevent the plebs from getting better deals ... whatever it is ... we dont really care - also tried that original sd card that came with the "amiga 1200" fpga mister b/c of the memory of the 9pin working, but it works for the main menu it seems but not for the c64 core THATS A REAL FUCKING BUMMER MAN AFTER ALL THOSE YEARS

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (singleplayer)amd64-linuxmint-proton 7.0.6
Dark & Lightamd64-linuxmint
Ctulhu saves the worldamd64-linuxmint
Dawn of Defianceamd64-linuxmint
X4 : foundationsamd64-linuxmint
Ark : Survival Evolved (aberration)amd64-linuxmint
The Banner Saga 3amd64-linuxmint